Let $X_1,X_2\subset\mathbb{P}^{n+1}$ be two smooth complex cubic hypesurfaces, then I know the following Torelli theorems:

[$n=1$] In this case, $X_1\cong X_2$ if and only if there exists a Hodge isometry $H^1(X_1,\mathbb{Z})\cong H^1(X_2,\mathbb{Z})$.

[$n=3$] In this case, $X_1\cong X_2$ if and only if there exists a Hodge isometry $H^3(X_1,\mathbb{Z})\cong H^3(X_2,\mathbb{Z})$.

[$n\geq 3$] In this case, $X_1\cong X_2$ if and only if there exists an isomorphism of their Fano varieties of lines $F(X_1)\cong F(X_2)$. This isomorphism is asked to be polarized when $n=4$.

Do we know a similar result for cubic surfaces? Explicitly, I would like to know if there are some invariant that can determine a smooth complex cubic surface.