Here is the proof using the alternative route. 

Let $X$, $Y$ be two independent real-valued random variables such that $EX,EY\ge 0$ and $\min(E|X|,E|Y|)=I$. We want to prove that $E|X+Y|\ge I$. Again, as in both the OP and Iosif's post, we can consider only the case when $X$ is $A$ with probability $P$ and $-B$ with probability $Q$, while $Y$ is $a$ with probability $p$ and $-b$ with probability $q$, where $A,B,a,b\ge 0$.

Then we need to show that the inequality
is impossible. So suppose it holds.

If we estimate each absolute value by what is inside it, we get
which is possible only if $p<q$.
By symmetry, we conclude that we must also have $P<Q$.

Now estimate $|a-B|\ge a-B$ and $|b-A|\ge A-b$. We obtain 
However, the last two terms are nonnegative and the condition $0\le EX=AP-BQ$ implies that $AP\ge \frac 12[AP+BQ]=\frac 12E|X|\ge\frac 12I$ and similarly for $ap$, so we run into a contradiction.

*Edit* Here is the direct binomial coefficient approach. I'll start where Iosif stopped though I'll denote by $A$ what he denotes by $A/p$, etc.

We need the inequality 
\sum_{k=0}^n{n\choose k}p^kq^{n-k}|Ak-B(n-k)|\ge Ap+Bq
Fix $A+B=1$ and consider the difference as a function of $A\in[0,1]$. It is piecewise linear, so the minimum is attained at a zero of some absolute value. Clearly, the endpoints (when the random variable preserves sign) are not competitors, so it is enough to consider the case when $A=\frac{n-\ell}n, B=\frac{\ell}n$, $0<\ell<n$. Then all the absolute values except the vanishing one for $k=\ell$ are at least $A+B=1$, so the LHS is at least
1-{n\choose \ell}p^\ell q^{n-\ell}
and we want to show that
1-{n\choose \ell}p^\ell q^{n-\ell}\ge Ap+Bq\,,
Aq+Bp\ge {n\choose \ell} p^{\ell}q^{n-\ell}
Since $Aq+Bp\ge q^Ap^B=p^{\frac{\ell}{n}}q^{\frac{n-\ell}{n}}$, it suffices to check that
{n\choose \ell} [p^{\ell}q^{n-\ell}]^{1-\frac 1n}\le 1\,.
The product in brackets is maximized when $p=\frac \ell n$, $q=\frac{n-\ell}{n}$, so we want 
{n\choose \ell}[(\tfrac{\ell}n)^{\ell}(\tfrac{n-\ell}n)^{n-\ell}]^{1-\frac 1n}\le 1\,.
Now the LHS can be rewritten as $\frac{n}{\ell^{\frac \ell n}(n-\ell)^{\frac{n-\ell}n}}U$ where 
U={n-1\choose \ell-1}(\tfrac{\ell}n)^{\ell-1}(\tfrac{n-\ell}n)^{n-\ell}={n-1\choose \ell}(\tfrac{\ell}n)^{\ell}(\tfrac{n-\ell}n)^{n-\ell-1}
Since $U$ appears as two equal terms in the binomial expansion of 
we must have $U\le \frac 12$. On the other hand, $\frac 1{\alpha^\alpha\beta^\beta}\le 2$ for $\alpha,\beta>0, \alpha+\beta=1$, and we are done again.

It would be interesting to see what factor on the right hand side can be put in place of $1$ for $n\ge 3$. I suspect that the worst case for even $n$ is addition of $n$ Rademacher independent random variables ($\pm 1$ with probability $\frac 12$ each) even if we allow them to be different (but with expectations of the same sign) but I have no proof of it at the moment. The odd case may have a rather ugly answer even for $n=3$.