Let $V$ be an algebraic variety.  If there is a finite ascending chain of Zariski closed sets $\emptyset=V_0\subset V_1\subset \cdots \subset V_n=V$ such that $V_i-V_{i-1}$ is a fintie disjoint union of copies of affine space $\mathbb{A}^i$ we say $V$ is *affine paved* (so $V$ is "algebraically cellular").  

Note: there are non-equivalent variations of this definition (see [here][1]).

One can deduce that an affine paved variety (over $\mathbb{C}$) has no odd cohomology and its even cohomology is free abelian.


1. Finite disjoint unions of affine space are affine paved.  Let's call these examples "trivial."
2. Projective space is affine paved.  
3. The Bruhat cells in a flag variety show there are interesting projective examples.

> Question: Are there non-trivial affine paved affine varieties?

This very well might be a silly question.  Perhaps the affine cone over an affine paved projective variety always works?  It doesn't seem clear to me, and I figured someone out there might have thought about such examples before (Google doesn't seem to know any).

  [1]: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/186832/optimal-definition-of-paving-by-affine-spaces