My question here is going to be this -- but I'll give a bit of background to explain myself in a moment: _What has been done/what results are available on [Calabi-Yau cohomology]( in degree $n \geq 3$ (in particular $n =3$)?_ Here by _Calabi-Yau cohomology_ I mean [complex oriented cohomology theory]( with [formal group]( being (equivalent to) the [Artin-Mazur formal group]( $\Phi^n_X$ of a given [Calabi-Yau variety]( of dimension $n$. (So in particular this here is _not_ about cohomology _of_ Calabi-Yau varieties. I am aware that this will now make 90% of all readers frown, but I can't help it.) To put this in perspective: In discussion of [elliptic cohomology]( it is traditional to think of the formal group associated with the [elliptic spectrum]( as "being" the formal completion of the given elliptic curve. But the [story]( of [equivariant elliptic cohomology]( shows that more properly that formal group is identified with the [formal Picard group]( of the elliptic curve, namely the perturbation/deformation theory of the moduli of line bundles over it. It just so happens that elliptic curves are self-dual abelian varieties so that both these perspectives are equivalent, but the latter is the fundamental one that generalizes. In the next step, [K3-cohomology]( is complex oriented cohomology theory with formal group being the [formal Brauer group]( of a [K3 surface]( This has been discussed. But there is an obvious continuation of this story to higher $n$, and I am looking for whatever results exist for $n \geq 3$. My understanding is that Michael Hopkins talked about this "Calabi-Yau cohomology" at the Midwest Topology Seminar in 1992, but I haven't seen anything except this pointer. Notice that the case $n = 3$ is quite complelling from the point of view of physics: while equivariant elliptic cohomology ("CY1-cohomology") [is essentially]( the theory of the [modular functor]( of [3d Chern-Simons theory]([2d Wess-Zumino-Witten theory](, so the Artin-Mazur formal group $\Phi^3_X$ is just the formal approximation to the [intermediate Jacobian]( which is the [phase space]( of $U(1)$-[7d Chern-Simons theory]( It should be quite interesting to ask for a (equivariant) CY3-cohomology theory here which similarly captures the [geometric quantization]( of this and hence yields the modular functor for the [infamous 6d theory](,0)-supersymmetric%20QFT)... There seems to be fairly strong motivation on the physics side for looking at CY3-cohomology, also if one looks at it from the perspective of [F'-theory](, and as such hypothetical Calabi-Yau cohomology was highlighted at the end of [Sati 05]( But so the **question** is: what is actually already known about CY3-cohomology? For instance: what are sufficient conditions for the Artin-Mazur formal group $\Phi^3_{CY3}$ to be Landweber exact??