**0. Background.** This question is linked to a previous one: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3950321/computing-sums-of-exponential-partial-bell-polynomials.
Based on the computation of the exponential partial Bell polynomial $B_{n,k}(2!,\ldots,(n-k+2)!)$ there (that I hope is correct), I managed to rewrite the problem and this led me to ask this new question.

**1. The question.** Can we explicitly compute
where $\beta'\geq1$ and $2\beta'\geq\alpha'\geq0$? Here $x^{\overline{k}}:=x(x+1)\ldots(x+k-1)$ denotes the rising factorial. If no closed form can be found, an estimate will be enough. Below are displayed two attempts to deal with the problem ; any advice to go further would be very appreciated.

**2.1. First attempt.** Introduce the signed Lah number (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lah_number):
Then, putting $\gamma':=\alpha'-\beta'-\gamma$, we can write:
The term $\frac{2^{\gamma'}(\gamma'-1)!}{(2\beta'-\alpha'+\gamma')!}$ and the lower bound $\min\{\alpha'-2\beta',\,0\}$ for the sum are annoying ; here we have something pretty close to
Here $x^{\underline{k}}:=x(x-1)\ldots(x-k+1)$ denotes the falling factorial.

**2.2. Second attempt.** We could as well write:
Now this looks like a Vandermonde's identity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandermonde%27s_identity. This time the annoying term is $2^{\beta'-\gamma}(-1)^\gamma$.