A friend of mine and myself (both grad students with a relatively decent set theoretic background) want to venture into the universe of inner models. [pun intended :-)] I would very much like to get some recommendations on not only material to read from, but also on the order of which these should be approached and points which may be important to stop and study more extensively. We both have studied large cardinals (weak compactness, measurability, $0^\sharp$, some supercompactness. Iterations are missing so is $L[D]$), we have also background in forcing and seen proofs for the covering lemma for $L$ (both Jensen's and Magidor's covering lemmas). One of the reason I ask is that there resources are relatively abundant, The Handbook, Jech, Kanamori's The Higher Infinite, etc. and while it is clear to me that some topics should be covered first (iterations, for example) I'd much rather have a general roadmap in mind when approaching this. Many thanks.