Let $X$ be a complex manifold (for example $\mathbb CP^n$), let $v$ be a holomorphic vector field on $X$, and let $F$ be a coherent sheaf (for example a vector bundle or a structure sheaf of a point). Then $v$ defines an element in $Ext^1(F,F)$. Indeed $v$ generates an action of $\mathbb C$ on $X$ and taking pull-backs of $F$ under this action we get a deformation of $F$, hence an element of $Ext^1(F,F)$. **Question**. Is there any fancy (or not fancy) way to express the corresponding element of $Ext^1(F,F)$ in terms of $v$ and $F$? Maybe there is some construction with jets? (I understand, this is a bit vague)