I have a possible answer for this question finally, but I am not that sure. 

First of all, the question is not that 'correct' because the sequence $Z[T]\stackrel{\cdot T}{\longrightarrow} Z[T]\rightarrow Z[T]/(T)$ does not lie in the category $CRing$ but in $Mod$, neither does $A\rightarrow A\rightarrow \displaystyle A/\!\!/f$, which actually lies in infinity category $Mod(Z[T])$. So we should consider everything here in the stable $\infty$ category $Mod$.

In $Mod(Z[T])$, by tensor product with $A\otimes_{Z[T]}^{L}(-)$, we have again an exact sequence $A\otimes_{Z[T]}^{L} Z[T]\rightarrow A\otimes_{Z[T]}^{L} Z[T]\rightarrow A\otimes_{Z[T]}^{L} Z[T]/(T)$, it is both fiber and also cofiber sequence because we are in stable infinity category, and recall that what we need is actually $\textbf{a fiber sequence of underlying spaces}$ instead of some fiber sequence in $\textbf{SCRing}$, luckily, the infinite loop functor $\Omega^{\infty}(-)$ functor preserves all small limits, thus we get a fiber sequence in $\textbf{Spc}$.

It's worth mentioning that the derived tensor product indeed is constructed from a pushout diagram in $\textbf{SCRing}$, but it is not a pushout when we consider the underlying module structure in $\textbf{Mod}$, instead, 'tensor product with (-)' should be thought as a left adjoint to 'Hom', which is correct in more general settings. So here no commutativity of limits and colimits should be involved.