For a binary quadratic form $ax^2+bxy+cy^2$ over a field (characteristic not 2), the discriminant $b^2-4ac$ is 0 if and only if that form is the square of a linear form. I am curious about an analogue of this fact over a ring with a valuation. <i> Rough version of question. </i> Let $$f=ax^2+bxy+cy^2$$ be a binary quadratic form over a ring $Q$ with a valuation. If the valuation of the discriminant $b^2-4ac$ is large (so heuristically $b^2-4ac$ is ``almost 0''), does this imply that $f$ is "almost a square"? <i> More precise version of question.</i> Here's the precise case I am interested in. Let $R$ be a valuation ring, where 2 is a unit. Let $Q$ be the standard graded ring $Q=R[s,t]$ over $R$, i.e. $\text{deg}(s)=\text{deg}(t)=1$ and $Q_0=R$. The ring $Q$ inherits a valuation from $R$. Let $f$ as above, where $a$,$b$, and $c$ are all homogeneous elements of $Q$, and where $\text{deg}(a)+\text{deg}(c)=2\cdot \text{deg}(b).$ <b> Claim: </b> If $b^2-4ac$ has valuation at least $\nu$, then there exist $d,e,f$, and $a',b',c'$ in $Q$, such that $$ ax^2+2bxy+cy^2=d(ex+fy)^2 + (a'x^2+2b'xy+c'y^2), $$ where $a',b',$ and $c'$ all have valuation at least $\nu/2$.