There is a good way to compute rotation number of a circle homeomorphism (this was the way Poincaré thinked of it): you calculate the rotation number buy its continued fraction in a direct way. You start from a point $x$ and $f(x)$: this gives you a decomposition of the circle into points that are on the right side of $x$ (in $]x,f(x)[$) and points which are on its left side (in $]f(x),x[$). You look at $f^2(x)$ and you write $R$ if it is on the right side of $x$, $L$ otherwise. Iteranting $f$ you find a sequence of $R$'s and $L$'s. If you get $LLLLR$, for example, you record 4 (this is the number of $L$'s) and you approximate the rotation number of $f$ by $1/4$. Renormalizing $f$, you iterate this process finding $\rho=[0,a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_k]$. I won't be more precise here. Every detail is very well explained in de Melo & van Strien's [*One-Dimensional Dynamics*][1], section I.1. You can find a paper by Bruin ([*Numerical determination of the continued fraction expansion of the rotation number*][2]) in which he compares different methods on Arnold tongues. EDIT[update]: Recently, I wrote for myself some [sage][3] lines implementing the algorithm I described you. This is my second version, now working for rational numbers too : I was originally interested only in irrational rotation numbers (comments are welcome to improve it!). L=8 #length for cf-expansion, depending on your computer, 8 or 9 suggested for a try run A=100000 #maximum size of single element of the sequence def partfrac(x): return x-floor(x) ##### computing rational approximations given continued fraction expansion # input b=a continued fraction expansion # input l=L length of computed expansion def rational_approximation(b,l): p=[0,1] q=[1,b[1]] for i in range(1,l+1): p.append(b[i+1]*p[i]+p[i-1]) q.append(b[i+1]*q[i]+q[i-1]) return simplify(p[l+1]/q[l+1]) #computing rotation number of a given circle map f def rotation(f): a=[0] orbit=[] orbit.append(partfrac(f(0))) if orbit[0]==0 : print 'map with a fixed point' return 0 def shift(x): #set f(0) as the origin + 1 if partfrac(x)>orbit[0]: return partfrac(x)-1 return partfrac(x) def first_return(p,pre_p,y): x=shift(f(y)) while x<pre_p or x>p: x=shift(f(x)) return x a.append(1) x=orbit[0] if shift(f(orbit[0]))==0: print 'map with periodic point of order 2' return 1/2 if shift(f(orbit[0]))<0: while shift(f(x))<0: a[1]=a[1]+1 x = shift(f(x)) if a[1]>A: print 'approximatively 0' return 0 if shift(f(x))==0: print 'periodic point' a[1]=a[1]+1 return 1/a[1] orbit.append(shift(x)) z = shift(f(x)) a.append(0) while z>0: y = z z = first_return(shift(orbit[0]),shift(orbit[1]),z) a[2]=a[2]+1 if a[2]>A: print 'approximatively rational' return 1/a[1] if z==0: print 'periodic point' a[2]=a[2]+1 return rational_approximation(a,1) orbit.append(y) if shift(f(orbit[0]))>0: def shift(y): #set f(0) as the origin if partfrac(y)>=orbit[0]: return partfrac(y)-1 return partfrac(y) orbit.append(orbit[0]-1) a.append(0) while shift(f(x))>0: a[2] = a[2] + 1 x = shift(f(x)) if a[2]>A: print 'approximatively rational' return 1/a[1] if shift(f(x))==0: print 'periodic point' a[2]=a[2]+1 return rational_approximation(a,1) orbit.append(shift(x)) z = shift(f(x)) for i in range(1,L): a.append(0) if shift(orbit[i+1])<shift(orbit[i]): while z>0: y = z z = first_return(shift(orbit[i]),shift(orbit[i+1]),z) a[i+2]=a[i+2]+1 if a[i+2]>A: print 'approximatively rational' return rational_approximation(a,i) if z==0: print 'periodic point' a[i+2]=a[i+2]+1 return rational_approximation(a,i+1) if shift(orbit[i+1])>shift(orbit[i]): while z<0: y = z z = first_return(shift(orbit[i+1]),shift(orbit[i]),z) a[i+2]=a[i+2]+1 if a[i+2]>A: print 'approximatively rational' return rational_approximation(a,i) if z==0: print 'periodic point' a[i+2]=a[i+2]+1 return rational_approximation(a,i+1) orbit.append(y) print a return rational_approximation(a,L) [1]: [2]: [3]: