Yes, $n!\bmod p$ is computable in FCH. More generally, if $f$ is a polynomial-time computable function, then given $n$ and $m$ in binary, we can compute $$\prod_{i<n}f(i)\bmod m\tag1$$ in FCH. This follows from the fact that if we are given in *unary* $n$, $m$, and a sequence of numbers $a_0,\dots,a_{n-1}$, then we can compute $$\prod_{i<n}a_i\bmod m$$ in uniform $\mathrm{TC}^0$, which was proved by >William Hesse, Eric Allender, and David A. Mix Barrington: *Uniform constant-depth threshold circuits for division and iterated multiplication*, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 65 (2002), no. 4, pp. 695–716, doi [10.1016/S0022-0000(02)00025-9]( In fact, we can avoid almost all the intricate machinery of the [HAB02] paper due to a combination of two factors: * When the algorithms are exponentially scaled to FCH, we only need *quasipolynomial* $\mathrm{TC}^0$. Thus, for example, we can use the trivial polynomial-time algorithm for modular exponentiation by repeated squaring instead of the [HAB02] algorithm (which actually puts it in the linear-time hierarchy). * Since the result is computed modulo $m$, we don’t need the full force of Chinese Remainder Reconstruction (which is the most complicated and most costly step in [HAB02]). So, here is an explicit algorithm. First, if $m=p$ is *prime*, we have $$\prod_{i<n}f(i)\equiv g^{\sum_{i<n}d(f(i))}\pmod p,$$ where $g$ is a generator of $\mathbb F_p^\times$, and $d$ is the inverse of $g^x\bmod p$ (i.e., discrete logarithm). (Let’s consider that $d(0)=-\infty$.) We can compute $g$ and $d(f(i))$ in FPH, thus $\sum_id(f(i))$ in $\mathrm{\#P^{PH}}$, thus the final result in $$\mathrm{FP^{\#P^{PH}}=FP^{\#P}=FP^{PP}}.$$ (I’m using here the fact that $\mathrm{\#P^{PH}\subseteq P^{\#P}}$.) A similar argument works when $m$ is a prime power. For general $m$, we can compute the prime factorization $m=\prod_{j<k}p_j^{e_j}$ in FPH, thus (for each $j<k\le\log n$) $r_j=\prod_{i<n}f(i)\bmod p_j^{e_j}$ (or rather, the pair $(p_j^{e_j},r_j)$) in $\mathrm{FP^{\#P^{PH}}=FP^{PP}}$ as above, and we can reconstruct the result modulo $m$ in polynomial time. Thus again, the overall complexity is that we can compute (1) in $$\mathrm{FP^{PP}}.$$ ---- The non-modular function $n!$ as such is an exponential-output-size function whose bit-graph is computable in CH (again, by [HAB02]). There is no common name for this class of functions, as far as I am aware. It is included in FPSPACE, as long as you make sure not to artificially restrict this class to functions with polynomial output size (for space classes, it is a standard definition that space usage only counts work tapes, not the read-only input tape or the write-only output tape).