This is not really an answer to the question, just an attempt to sort it out. First, since I find your notation bizarre, I hope you don't mind if I rewrite your Question 1 in more standard notation. Fix a language $L$. Let $I$ be a non-empty set, and let $(\varphi_i)_{i\in I}$ be a family of $L$-formulas, all of which have free variables from a set $V=\{x_0,x_1,x_2\dots\}$. For each $i\in I$, let $V_i\subseteq V$ be the finite set of variables which are free in $\varphi_i$. We also pick a variable $x_{k_i}\in V$ for each $i\in I$, which may or may not be free in $\varphi_i$. Let $M$ be an $L$-structure. An *assignment* $a = (a_x)_{x\in V}$ is a family of elements from $M$ indexed by $V$ (so the variable $x$ gets assigned to $a_x\in M$). Given assignments $a$ and $b$, we write $a\equiv_i b$ if $a_x = b_x$ for all $x\in (V_i\setminus \{x_{k_i}\})$. Fix an assignment $a$ and an ultrafilter $U$ on $I$. *Statement 1:* For all assignments $b$, if $\{ i \mid a \equiv_i b \} \in U$, then $\{ i \mid M\models \varphi_i(b) \} \in U. $ *Statement 2:* $ \{ i \mid \text{for all assignments } b , \text{if }a \equiv_i b, \text{then } M\models \varphi_i(b)\} \in U.$ Are these two statements equivalent? ---------- Is the above an accurate understanding of your question? Next, to make the logical structure of the statements more transparent, I'll rewrite the statements using the quantifier $\forall^*$, which means for "almost all" $i$ in the sense of the ultrafilter. *Statement 1:* $\forall b\, ((\forall^* i\, a\equiv_i b)\rightarrow (\forall ^* i\, M\models \varphi_i(b)))$ *Statement 2:* $\forall^* i \forall b\, (a\equiv_i b\rightarrow M\models \varphi_i(b))$ Now the nice thing about the $\forall^*$ quantifier is that it commutes with / distributes over all propositional connectives. So Statement 1 is equivalent to $\forall b\forall^* i\,(a\equiv_i b\rightarrow M\models \varphi_i(b))$. Unfortunately, the quantifier $\forall^* i$ does not commute with $\forall b$. Statement 2 obviously implies Statement 1, since $\forall^* i\forall b$ is stronger than $\forall b\forall^* i$. But the converse may not hold. Now it's possible that in your case, the two statements happen to be equivalent based on their actual content - but the statements seem rather unnatural to me, so I don't feel like thinking too hard about it before you confirm that I've actually understood the statements correctly. ---------- Regarding Question 2, you probably know that if $U$ and $V$ are ultrafilters on $X$, then $U\otimes V = \{Y\subseteq X^2\mid \{i\mid \{j\mid (i,j)\in Y\}\in V\}\in U\}$ is an ultrafilter on $X^2$. So you can rewrite your statement as $\{(i,j)\mid \phi(i,j)\}\cap \{(j,i)\mid \phi(i,j)\}\in U\otimes U$. But this is just different notation. I doubt there is a conceptually simpler way to describe the concept.