Here are additional mathematicians thoughts.

S. Ulam, [Adventures of a mathematician][1].A recollection of his life, from Lwow to Los Alamos. I am linking to excerpts. The book is still available for purchase. 

[Advices to a Young mathematician][2], a collection of advices and anecdots by M. Atiyah, B. Bollobas, A. Connes, D. McDuff and P. Sarnak.

A. Borel, [Art and science][3] (Math. Intelligencer vol.5 1983, translation from german). A text for a general audience about the relationship between art and mathematics.

R. P. Langlands [Is there beauty in mathematical theories?][4], this text is actually about number theory, old and new.

T. Gowers [The two cultures of mathematics][5], another take on the dichotomy between problem solving and theory building.

A. Connes [A view of mathematics][6], a torough exposition of A. Connes'philosophical stance about space and physics. Targeted at a scientific audience.

D. Mumford, [the dawning of the age of stochasticity][7], from algebraic geometry to statistics.

Y. Manin, [Interrelations between Mathematics and Physics][8], on the divergence between mathematics and physics in the XXe century.

M. Gromov, [ergobrain][9], one of the most surprising inquiry about life and mathematics.

I end that list with a text from a french mathematician about the future of mathematics: Poincare, [l'avenir des mathematiques][10].
