Here is a rather vague and subjective question: for which $n$ and $m$ are 
$\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{R}^m$ ``essentially similar''?  The answer depends partly on what type of
mathematician is answering it.

Of course, in a certain technical sense, $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{R}^m$ are different for any $n\neq m$ since they 
are not homeomorphic (or linearly isomorphic); thus they by definition differ in some describable topological (or algebraic) way.
But qualitatively all Euclidean spaces, especially ones of large dimension, seem to be ``similar.'' 
The question is really: how large does $n$ have to be for Euclidean spaces of dimension $\geq n$
all to behave essentially the same way?

I have included my own discussion of some possible answers in my Real Analysis manuscript at (Section XI.18.3).  I invite comments on this discussion.