Robert gives a thorough analysis of differential equations which one can write in terms of $\tau$ and $\kappa$, and the inherent limitations in this *local approach*. But maybe one can find more reasonable or useful conditions in terms of *integral* equations, and the whole problem could be much more interesting or natural if we consider *closed* curves. In short, a *global* approach could be more fruitful. For instance, a necessary condition for a closed curve to lie on a sphere is that $\int \tau=0$, e.g. see p.171 of [Millman and Parker][1], which incidentally turns out to characterize spheres. Furthermore, any closed curve lying on a convex surface must have at least $4$ points where $\tau=0$, which is a generalization of the classical four vertex theorem due to [Sedykh][2]; see also this [paper][3] for another proof. Another necessary condition for a curve to lie on an ellipsoid is that it have a pair of parallel tangent lines, which turns out to characterize ellipsoids, as described in this [paper with Bruce Solomon][4]. It would be interesting to find more simple or nice necessary conditions for a closed curve to lie on an ellipsoid, and I think it is possible that a collection of these may turn out to be sufficient as well. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: