There is an algebraic theory that I'm thinking of trying to develop and I wanted to know if it had any real world prevalence --- I'd like to know an example of a generator L of a Fukaya category on a compact symplectic manifold where this Lagrangian has the properties that :

1) Simply connected,but not a sphere or a product of spheres  2) The homology of the Floer complex HF*(L,L) is isomorphic as an algebra to H*(L). (Edit: as an ordinary algebra, the higher operations induced by the perturbation lemma can be different.) Extra points if the Floer theory can in a reasonable sense be defined over C. I'd also be really interested to know why this situation can't happen. 

Edit: I know it is kind of rare for a single Lagrangian(impossible?) to generate a Fukaya category. I'd be happy to have a bunch of such Lagrangians L_i where at least one of them was as above as long as Hom(L_i, L_j)=0 for i not equal to j...