To add some insights into my discussion. I found out some stuff that might be interesting according to matrix perturbation theory. So instead of asking as in the 1st question: given prescribed eigenvalues what is the minimum $c_{max}$? I tried to look into the problem of what is the possible eigenvalue densities given I have a prescribed $c_{max}$. It goes like this... I compare my correlation matrix with the identity matrix. The diagonal elements of both matrices are 1's, therefore the perturbation is in the off-diagonal elements. The Weyl-Lidskii theorem states that: $|\lambda_i-1|\leq ||\mathbf{C}-\mathbf{I}||_2$ where I write $|\lambda_i-1|$ because the eigenvalues of the identity matrix $(\mathbf{I})$ are $1$. However getting further than here does not seem trivial to me.