In the article cited below, I. Castellano gives a proof for the following result (Proposition 4.1).

> Let $G$ be a compactly generated totally disconnected locally compact group. Suppose that $G$ acts discretely on a tree $\mathcal T$ such that
> 1. the group $G$ is acting without edge inversions;
> 2. the quotient graph $G\backslash\mathcal T$ is finite;
> 3. the edge stabilisers $G_e$ are compact open subgroups of $G$.
>Then the vertex stabilizers $G_v$ are compactly generated.

Here acting _discretely_ means that the stabilizers are open subgroups of $G$.

The proof as cited is rather involved and uses cohomology arguments, while the proposition looks rather innocent. Is there a more straightforward, elementary proof for this result? Note that the proposition should also hold for trees that are not locally finite (and in this case, the topology becomes a lot more subtle).

[1] <cite authors="Castellano, I.">Castellano, I., _Rational discrete first degree cohomology for totally disconnected locally compact groups_. [arXiv:1506.02310]( [math.GR].</cite>