Consider simple, undirected [Erdős–Rényi][1] graphs $G(n,p)$, where $n$ is the number of vertices and $p$ is the probability for each pair of vertices to form an edge. Many properties of these graphs are known - in particular, $G(n,p)$ is almost surely connected when $p \gt (1 + \epsilon)\frac{\log(n)}{n}$, and the largest clique in $G(n, \frac{1}{2})$ is almost surely about $2\log_2(n)$. 

**What is known about the vertex connectivity number $\kappa(G)$, $G\in G(n,p)$, the minimum number of vertices that one must remove in order to disconnect the graph?**

It is known that for fixed $k$ and fixed $p\in (0,1)$, almost every graph in $G(n,p)$ is $k$-connected, but what is the expected connectivity as a function of $p$ and $n$?
