The characteristic polynomial of OPs inverse $A_n^{-1}$ can be derived exactly to be (see, e.g., [here][1])
p_n(\lambda) &= \det(A_n^{-1}-\lambda I_n)=\frac{2^{1-n}}{1+n} + {}\\
\frac{1+n/2}{1+n} - \lambda & -\frac 1 4 \\ 1 & 0
1 - \lambda & -\frac 1 4 \\ 1 & 0
\frac{1+n/2}{1+n} - \lambda & -\frac 1 {4(1+n)^2} \\ 1 & 0
\end{smallmatrix}\right) \right].
Using the substitution $\cos\varphi = 1-\lambda$ this simplifies to
&= \frac{2^{1-n}}{1+n} \left[
1 + \cos(n \varphi) - n \sin(n \varphi) \tan\left(\tfrac\varphi 2\right)
\right] \\ \tag{2b}\label{eq:2b}
&=\frac{2^{2-n}}{1+n} \, \cos^2\left(\tfrac{n\varphi} 2\right)
1 - n \tan\left(\tfrac{n\varphi} 2\right)\tan\left(\tfrac{\varphi} 2\right)
\right] .
We observe that half of the eigenvalues of $A_n^{-1}$ (and $A_n$) are trivial ($\varphi_k = 2\pi k/n$ with odd $k$ fulfilling $0<k<n$), while the other half are roots of the last term in \eqref{eq:2b}. The minimal eigenvalue $\lambda_\mathrm{min}(n)$ of $A_n^{-1}$ belongs to the latter set.

To get the asymptotic smallest eigenvalue $\lambda_\mathrm{min}(n) \sim \Lambda_\mathrm{min} n^{-2}$, we expand
\varphi=\arccos(1-\lambda) = \sqrt{2\lambda}+O(\lambda^{3/2}).
Inserting this into the relevant factor of \eqref{eq:2b} and expanding around $n=\infty$, we get
p_\infty(\Lambda) = 
1 - \sqrt{\frac \Lambda 2} \tan\left(\sqrt{\frac \Lambda 2}\right).
The numerical solution of $P_\infty(\Lambda_\mathrm{min})=0$ is 
$\Lambda_\mathrm{min}=1.4803477\ldots$, and we get the result

Note that one can also get the large-$n$ corrections with this method.
