I'm trying to show that a Dini-continuous function $\Omega\in L^1(\mathbb{S}^{n-1})$ satisfies the Hörmander condition, i.e.
where $K_\Omega(x):=\frac{\Omega\left(\frac{x}{|x|}\right)}{|x|^n}.$ This is ex. 5.4.5 on Loukas Grafakos, Classical Fourier analysis.

I've shown that a sufficient condition for this to be true is that $\exists\ C_0<\infty$ indipendent on $y$ such that
$$\int_{|x|\ge2|y|}\left|\frac{1}{|x-y|^n}-\frac{1}{|x|^n}\right|dx\le C_0,$$
but I can't manage to motivate this statement. I'm trying to use that the condition $|x|\ge2|y|$ implies: 

Can someone help me with this?