$k=11$ is the smallest counterexample - the 7'th coefficient is 0. Here are the details: We have the following identity: $$\Phi_n(x) = \prod_{d \mid n} (1-x^d)^{\mu(n/d)},$$ valid for $n>1$. If we are interested only in the first $m+1$ coefficients ($x^0$ to $x^{m}$), it suffices to look at the following product, going only over divisors $\le m$: $$\Phi_n(x) = \prod_{d \mid n, d \le m} (1-x^d)^{\mu(n/d)} \mod {x^{m+1}}.$$ Hence, $$[x^7] \Phi_{105 k}(x) = [x^7]\prod_{d \mid 105k, d \le 7} (1-x^d)^{\mu(105k/d)}.$$ Since you assume $\gcd(k,105)=1$ and $\mu(k)\neq 0$, we actually have 4 cases, according to the parity of $k$ and according to $\mu(k)$. When $2 \nmid k$, the set $\{d : d\mid 105k, d \le 7\}$ is $\{1,3,5,7\}$ and we find $$[x^7] \Phi_{105 k}(x) = [x^7] (1-x)^{\mu(105k)}(1-x^3)^{\mu(35k)}(1-x^5)^{\mu(21k)}(1-x^7)^{\mu(15k)}$$ $$ = [x^7] ((1-x)^{-1}(1-x^3) (1-x^5)(1-x^7))^{\mu(k)}.$$ When $\mu(k)=1$, we get $-2$. When $\mu(k)=-1$, we get $0$. When $2 \mid k$, the set $\{d : d\mid 105k, d \le 7\}$ is $\{1,2,3,5,6,7\}$ and we find $$[x^7] \Phi_{105 k}(x) = [x^7] (1-x)^{\mu(105k)}(1-x^2)^{\mu(105k/2)}(1-x^3)^{\mu(35k)}(1-x^5)^{\mu(21k)}(1-x^6)^{\mu(35k/2)}(1-x^7)^{\mu(15k)}$$ $$ = [x^7] ((1-x)(1-x^3)^{-1}(1-x^5)^{-1}(1-x^6)(1-x^7)^{-1})^{\mu(k/2)}.$$ Again, only two cases to check. When $\mu(k/2)=1$ we get 2, and when $\mu(k/2)=-1$ we get -1.