The diffusion equation with constant diffusion $D$ can be represented as:
\frac{\partial \phi(r, t)}{\partial t}=D \Delta \phi(r, t)
* $\Delta$ is the Laplace operator and 
* $\phi(r,t)$ represents a concentration at a point $r\in\mathbb{R}^n$ at time $t$.

When the diffusion is on a network, the Laplacian operator can be discretized and take the form of a matrix representation. The diffusion equation then takes the form:
\frac{d \phi_{i}(t)}{d t}=D \sum_{j} A_{i j}\left(\phi_{j}(t)-\phi_{i}(t)\right)
where now 
* $\phi_i(t)$ represents a concentration on the vertex $i$ at time $t$ and 
* $A_{ij}=1$ if there exists an edge between $i$ and $j$.

Consider now the case where the diffusion is not constant but is now a function depending on space and time: $D\to D(r,t)$. The diffusion equation simply is:

\frac{\partial \phi(r, t)}{\partial t}=\nabla \left[D(r,t) \nabla\phi(r, t)\right]

**What happens to the network case now?** Writing out the discrete version of the Laplacian gives me:
\frac{d \phi_{i}(t)}{d t}=\sum_{j} A_{i j}D_{i}(t)\left(\phi_{j}(t)-\phi_{i}(t)\right)+"(\nabla D)(\nabla\phi)"

But I have no idea how to discretize $\nabla$ and it feels wrong anyway. Intuitively I would expect something like:
\frac{d \phi_{i}(t)}{d t}=-\phi_{i}(t)+f\left(\sum_{j} A_{i j}\left(\phi_{j}(t)(t)\right)\right)
Where $f$ is some function related to $D$ so that we recover the non-linear behaviour of the continuous case.

What am I missing? [These notes]( follow the approach I took, but are limited to constant diffusion. I was not able to find any lecture notes that cover non-linear diffusion on networks.