One of the most interesting novelties in recent foundational studies is Voevodsky's Homotopical Type Theory project (see [here][1]). Finally homotopy theory ideas have entered in a royal fashion the foundational arena! I wonder if other areas of logic and foundational studies can be tackled from an homotopical standpoint. For instance, in model theory, one encounters the central notion of elementary equivalence: > two structures M and N of the same > signature $\sigma$ are called > elementarily equivalent if they > satisfy the same first-order > σ-sentences.σ-sentences. The question: > take elementary embedding as a notion > of [weak equivalence][2], what kind of > structure has the associated homotopy > category? Perhaps dreaming a little, > can one even manage to identify a > Quillen model structure on the > category of $\sigma$ -structures? [1]: [2]: