The free product $\mathbb Z_2$ and $\mathbb Z_3$ (i.e. PSL(2, $\mathbb Z$) is Gromov-hyperbolic (as every virtually free group) and non-virtually cyclic. Therefore by a result of Olshanskii, "SQ-universality of hyperbolic groups". (Russian)  Mat. Sb.  186  (1995),  no. 8, 119--132;  translation in  Sb. Math.  186  (1995),  no. 8, 1199–1211, it is SQ-universal, that is every countable group embeds into a factor group of PSL(2, $\mathbb Z$). In "most" of these groups (by construction) $ab$ will have infinite order. Thus, in particular, there are uncountably many groups of the type you want.