Probably the answer is negative. Your series is a restriction of the analytic function in two variables:
$$F(\zeta,q)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{q^{n^2}}{n!}\zeta^n,\quad |q|<1,$$
obtained by setting $q=\exp(-ia)$ and $\zeta=|z|^2>0$.

This important function has been studied much, see 
<a href="">lectures of Alan Sokal</a> for a survey of known results, and there is no indication of its expression in terms of other special functions. (Except the trivial one: it is the "Hadamard product" of the "partial theta-function'' with the exponential, or Borel's transform of the partial theta function, but this <a href="">partial theta-function</a> is itself outside the set of
usual special functions).