I've been studying universal objects of universal algebra in a quite general setting and try to exhibit the structure of their elements just using the universal property. a very nice example for this is given in Serres Trees (normal form for elements in amalgamated sums of subgroups). up to know, it works in all examples I've came across. even tensor products, see: Pierre Mazet, Caracterisation des Epimorphismes par relations et generateurs. but I'm stuck with localizations of rings (or monoids, or modules). rings and monoids are here assumed to be commutative.
so I define $S^{-1} A$ to be a ring which represents the subfunctor of $\hom(A,-)$, which maps elements of $S$ to units. here $S$ is a submonoid of a ring $A$. it can be shown with rather general facts that $S^{-1} A$ exists, in several ways. but that's not the point: I want to avoid explicit constructions (I might elaborate the reasons later).
the definition implies that there is a natural homomorphism $A \to S^{-1} A$, which is denoted simply by $a \mapsto a$, and that every element of $S^{-1} A$ has the form $a/s$ ($a \in A, s \in S$). clearly $a/s=b/t$ holds, when $uta=usb$ for some $u \in S$. but how can we prove the converse, only using the universal property? I hope my aim is clear. in particular, it would be cheeting applying the universal property to another explicit constructed model of $S^{-1} A$.
I've already found out many basic results about localizations just using the universal property (e.g. "coherence isomorphisms", behavior under colimits, the prime ideal structure of $S^{-1} A$), and using that I can reduce all to the fact that $S^{-1} A$ is a flat $A$-module, but this also seems to be hard without elements.