If you believe Vopěnka's principle then any cofibrantly generated model category is Quillen equivalent to a combinatorial one and thus its underlying $\infty$-category is presentable. It follows that any non-presentable complete and cocomplete $\infty$-category would give a positive answer to (1). The pro-category of a small finitely complete $\infty$-category is not presentable but it is co-presentable (its opposite category is presentable). However, the pro category of a large finitely complete and cocomplete $\infty$-category is complete and cocomplete but neither presentable nor copresentable. In "Higher Topos Theory" Lurie considers the pro category of spaces (see Definition Is thus seems that this category gives a positive answer to (1) and (3). This example was also considered in the world of model categories: It is Isaksen's strict model structure on pro-simplicial sets. If you are interested in a cocombinatorial model category that arose naturally you have Morel's (resp. Quick's) model structure on simplicial pro-finite sets that models the $\infty$-category of p-pro-finite (resp. pro-finite) spaces.