<A HREF="http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9957.html">Invisible in the Storm: The Role of Mathematics in Understanding Weather</A> 

one <A HREF="http://www.ams.org/notices/201308/rnoti-p1051.pdf">review (AMS)</A> a second <A HREF="http://www.euro-math-soc.eu/review/invisible-storm-role-mathematics-understanding-weather">review (EMS)</A>, 


> "Invisible in the Storm" recounts the history,
> personalities, and ideas behind one of the greatest scientific
> successes of modern times - the use of mathematics in weather
> prediction. Although humans have tried to forecast weather for
> millennia, mathematical principles were used in meteorology only after
> the turn of the twentieth century. From the first proposal for using
> mathematics to predict weather, to the supercomputers that now process
> meteorological information gathered from satellites and weather
> stations, the authors Ian Roulstone and John Norbury narrate the groundbreaking
> evolution of modern forecasting.