Building on the nice answer of Guillaume: The integral \int<sub>[-1,1]<sup>n</sup></sub> \prod<sub>i<j</sub> |x<sub>i</sub><sup>2</sup> - x<sub>j</sub><sup>2</sup>| dx<sub>1</sub>...dx<sub>n</sub> has the closed-form evaluation 4<sup>n</sup> / \prod<sub>k≤n</sub> \binom{2k}{k}. This basically follows from the evaluation of the [Selberg beta integral][1] S<sub>n</sub>(1/2,1,1/2). Combined with modding out by a typo, we now arrive at the following product formula for the volume of the unit ball of nxn matrices in the matrix norm: n! \prod<sub>k≤n</sub> π<sup>k</sup> / ((k/2)! \binom{2k}{k}). In particular, we have: - 2/3 π<sup>2</sup> for n=2 - 8/45 π<sup>4</sup> for n=3 - 4/1575 π<sup>8</sup> for n=4 [1]: