The problem may be formulated as follows: We are given a set of $m$ positive numbers $\{b_1,...,b_m\}$ and a set of $n$ positive numbers $\{v_1,...,v_n\}$. We have $v_j\leq K$, $j=1,...,n$, for a given positive integer $K$. We have to find a vector $x$ of size $n$ and a matrix $A$ of size ($m\times n$) such that $\textbf{1}^Tx$ is minimized and $Ax\geq b$ (componentwise). Moreover, each entry must belong to the set $\{0,1,...,K\}$ and each column $j$ of $A$ must sum to $v_j$. Here is an example with $m=6$, $n=3$ and $K=4$. We have $b=\{2800,1600,1050,750,520,240\}$ and $v=\{1,4,3\}$. A feasible solution would be: $$\begin{pmatrix}1&0&0\\0&2&0\\0&0&1\\0&1&1\\0&1&0\\0&0&1 \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}2800\\800\\1050\end{pmatrix}\geq \begin{pmatrix}2800\\1600\\1050\\750\\520\\240\end{pmatrix},$$ in this case, we have $\textbf{1}^Tx=2800+800+1050=4650$. Actually, I do not know the optimal solution (the optimal pair $A$, $x$) such that $\textbf{1}^Tx$ is minimized, and I am not looking for it. What I am looking for is a lower bound on the optimal value. A trivial idea is to solve the following LP: $$\min\{\textbf{1}^Tx \text{ s.t. } v^Tx\geq \sum_i b_i \text{ and }x\geq0\}$$ Indeed, we know the sum of each column $j$ of $A$ (it is $v_j$), hence by making the sum of all the inequalities we obtain $v^Tx\geq \sum_i b_i$. In the previous example, it gives $x_1=0$, $x_2=1740$ and $x_3=0$. Then a lower bound on the optimal value is $1740$. But is there a way to obtain a better lower bound? For example, the previous one does not take into account that there are $m$ inequalities. Thank you very much.