Skipping the easy cases of genus 0 and 1, what groups can arise as the group of conformal transformations of a Riemann surfaces of genus, say, 2 or 3? I'm frustrated because there are papers that supposedly answer this question (which are even open-access): * Izumi Kuribayashi and Akikazu Kuribayashi, [Automorphism groups of compact Riemann surfaces of genera three and four](, _Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra_ **65** (1990), 277-292 * Izumi Kuribayashi, [On an algebraization of the Riemann-Hurwitz relation](, _Kodai Math. J._ **7** (1984), 222-237. Unfortunately, I don't understand the notation for groups used in this paper. There are lots of groups with names like $G(60,120)$ and $H(5 \times 40)$. These are actually specific subgroups of $\mathrm{GL(g,\mathbb{C})}$ where $g$ is the genus of the surface, obtained by looking at how automorphisms of a Riemann surface act on its space of [holomorphic 1-forms]( But I don't understand how they are defined, and I don't know how to answer questions like this: * Which 32-element groups show up as automorphism groups of Riemann surfaces of genus 3? This last question is the one I really want answered right now, but in general I think it would be nice to more about automorphism groups of low-genus Riemann surfaces. I get the feeling that when such a group is reasonably big, it preserves a regular tiling of the surface by regular polygons, making the Riemann surface into the quotient of the hyperbolic plane by some [Fuchsian group]( The classic example is of course [Klein's quartic curve](, the genus-3 surface tiled by 24 regular heptagons, whose automorphism group is $PSL(2,7)$, the largest allowed by the [Hurwitz automorphism theorem]('s_automorphisms_theorem).