**Definition 1:** Let $M$ be a $\mathcal{L}$ - structure and $A\subseteq Dom(M)$. Define: $Def_{A}(M):=\{X\subseteq Dom(M)~|~\exists n\in \omega~~\exists \varphi (x,y_1,...,y_n)\in \mathcal{L}-Form~~\exists b_1,...,b_n \in A;X=\{a\in Dom(M)~|~M\vDash \varphi (a,b_1,...,b_n)\}\}$ **Definition 2:** Let $\kappa >\lambda\geq \aleph_{0}$ be two cardinals and $M$ a $\mathcal{L}$ - structure and $A\subseteq Dom(M)$. We say the model $M$ is $(\kappa , \lambda)$ - minimal over $A$ if $~~\forall X\in Def_{A}(M)~~~~~|X|\geq \kappa~\vee~|X|\leq \lambda$. The following result is proved by Rowbottom: >**Theorem:** If $\kappa$ is a measurable cardinal and $\mu$ a normal measure on it then: > >Every $\mathcal{L}$ - structure $M$ with the following properties: > >**(a)** $\kappa\subseteq Dom(M)$ > >**(b)** $|\mathcal{L}|+\aleph_{0}<\kappa$ > >has an elementary substructure like $N$ with following properties: > >**(c)** $\mu(Dom(N)\cap \kappa)=1$ > >**(d)** $N$ is a $(\kappa ,|\mathcal{L}|+\aleph_{0})$ - minimal model over $\emptyset$. **Question:** Is there any large cardinal $\kappa$ (larger than measurables) such that Rowbottom's theorem be trure by extending the parameter set $\emptyset$ in the statement (d) with $Dom(N)$?