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Kevin H. Lin
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Equivariant singular cohomology

One can define the $G$-equivariant cohomology of a space $X$ as being the ordinary singular cohomology of $X \times_G EG$ --- I think this is due to Borel?

Alternatively if $X$ is a manifold, we also have $G$-equivariant de Rham cohomology, defined in terms of $G$-equivariant differential forms --- I think this is due to Cartan?

I suspect this is extremely standard or obvious, but if it is, I don't know where it's written down: Is it possible to define equivariant cohomology of a topological space in terms of some notion of "equivariant singular cochains", that is, without using the Borel construction?

Kevin H. Lin
  • 21k
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