About the rationality of contractible varieties: Yes for curves and surfaces and is an open question for higher dimensions.
Any such contractible variety $X$ has $\chi_\text{top}(X)=1$, obviously.
If $X$ is a curve then it must have only cusps as singularities, if any, by a simple $\chi_\text{top}$ calculation. Now let $Y$ be a projective model of $X$ such that it is smooth at the points in $Y-X$. Topologically, $Y$ is a real surface without boundary such that a few punctures make it contractible. The only real surface with this property is $S^2$, obviously. Hence $Y$ better be rational and so is $X$.
If $X$ is an algebraic surface then it was a conjecture of Van de Ven that such a surface must be rational (actually his conjecture is for any homologically trivial $X$). This was proved by Gurjar & Shastri in:
- On the rationality of complex homology 2-cells
- Here is the the part II of the above paper (MathSciNet review number MR0984747)