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inclusions of linear colimits into smooth manifolds

Let $V$ be the category of finite dimensional vector spaces and $M$ the category of smooth finite dimensional Hausdorff manifolds.

Now suppose any finite dimensional vector space is equipped with a smooth structure in such a way that any $n$-dimensional vector space is diffeomorph to $\mathbb{R}^n$ seen as a smooth manifold with the standard smooth structure.

This way there is a faithfull inclusion $\imath: V \to M$ by just forgetting the linear structure.

Now recall that $V$ is cocomplete while $M$ is not.

To see that colimits exist in $V$ let $D : I \to V$ be a diagram with a finite index category $I$. To construct the colimit, let $h_i : D_i \to \bigoplus_{j \in I} D_j$ be the inclusions and $Q$ be the submodule generated by the images of the maps $h_i \circ Dd - h_j$ for each morphism $d : j \to i$, and let $C = \bigoplus_{j\in I} D_j /Q$ be the quotient space. Then $(D_i \overset{q\circ h_i}{\to} C)_{i \in I}$ is a colimit of $D$, where $q$ is the quotient map.

Counterexamples to the existence of all colimits in $M$ are given here on MO for example at: Colimits in the category of smooth manifolds

Now the question is: Does the inclusion $i: V \to M$ preserves these (finite) colimits?

Obviously $(D_i \overset{q\circ h_i}{\to} C)_{i \in I}$ is a cocone in $M$, but is it sill universal?

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