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You might be interested in the notion of a braided Lie algebra due to Majid. Roughly speaking this is a coalgebra ${L}$ in a braided category (ie $L$ is an object in a braided category category, with morphisms $\Delta:L \otimes L \to L$, and $\epsilon:L \to C$ satisfying the natural generalization of the axioms of a coalgebra), and in addition a morphism $$ [ , ]:L \otimes L \to L, $$ satisfying a "braided version" of the axioms of a Lie algebra.

The notion of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra generalizes to this context, and, quoting from Majid's paper,

... the standard quantum deformations $U_q({\frak g})$ are understood as the enveloping algebras of such underlying braided Lie algebras ...

A best place to learn about these structures is probably Majid's Quantum Groups Primer book

The paper mentioned in Jake's answer contains some discussion of these structures.