Let $Q$ be a finite quiver, let $M$ denote the arrow ideal and let $kQ$ denote the path algebra. Endow $kQ$ with the $M$-adic topology. Now let $\mathcal{A}$ be the set of all formal series ${\sum_{\gamma} a_{\gamma} \gamma , a_{\gamma} \in K\}$ where $\gamma$ is a path. Then $kQ$ is naturally a $k$-algebra (same operations we use for a group ring). Define $t$ as follows:
$t(\sum a_{\gamma} \gamma)= n$ if there exists $a_{p}$ such that the path $p$ has length $n$ and $0$ otherwise. This induces a metric $(a,b) \mapsto 2^{-t(a-b)}$, then $\mathcal{A}$ becomes a topological algebra with this metric.
Question: why is $\mathcal{A}$ isomorphic (as a topological algebra) to the completion of $kQ$ endowed with the $M$-adic topology?