If $G$ is a finite group, embedded as a transitive subgroup of $S_n$ for some $n$, will every automorphism of $G$ extend to an inner automorphism of $S_n$?

I'm trying to connect the language that's used in many different sources on Hurwitz spaces and Nielsen classes. On Michael Fried's website, he notes that "absolute equivalence" on a Nielsen class $(g_1,\ldots,g_r)$ is an equivalence given by componentwise conjugation by an element $h\in N_{S_n}(G)$.

On the other hand, in some other sources, eg Volklein's chapter on "Moduli Spaces of Covers of the Riemann Sphere" in his book Groups as Galois groups, and in Fried's paper "The Inverse Galois Problem and Rational Points on Moduli Spaces", their notion of absolute equivalence on Nielsen classes seems to allow for componentwise application of any automorphism of $G$.

Also, does anyone have a pdf of Fried's 1977 paper "Fields of Definition of Function Fields and Hurwitz Families - Groups as Galois Groups". It's in the 1977 Volume of Communications in Algebra, but my university doesn't seem to have access to issues from that journal prior to 2000.


- will