Let $\mathfrak{A}$ be a first-order structure over a relational language and let $\kappa$ be an infinite cardinal. Lets say that $\mathfrak{A}$ has the $\kappa$-*property* if for every structure $\mathfrak{B}$ of size $\kappa$ over the same language as $\mathfrak{A}$ we have: $$\mathfrak{B} \mbox{ embeds into }\mathfrak{A} \Longleftrightarrow \mbox{ Every finite } \mathfrak{B}_0\subseteq\mathfrak{B} \mbox{ embeds into } \mathfrak{A}.$$ Has this property been studied before? If so, how is it called? Note that if the theory of $\mathfrak{A}$ is $|\mathfrak{A}|$-categorical, then a simple compactness argument shows that $\mathfrak{A}$ has the $\kappa$-property for every $\kappa\leq|\mathfrak{A}|$. I don´t expect the other implication to be true, but no examples come to my mind. Hence the question in the title. **Edit:** I apologize because I have broken two of the rules for [good MO questions][1]. One is *Make your title your question* and the other is *Do your homework*. Thanks to Joel, Andreas and Noah for their examples, I should really have put more effort into finding them. But what I´m really interested in is the question in the body: **Has this property been studied before? If so, how is it called?** [1]: https://meta.mathoverflow.net/questions/882/how-to-write-a-good-mathoverflow-question?cb=1