The simplex category $\Delta$ is defined as the category of (non-empty) finite ordinals and order preserving maps. Furthermore, a simplicial set $X$ is defined as a contravariant functor $X: \Delta \rightarrow \text{Set}$.
I am interested in the possibility of generalizing the notion of a simplicial set by considering the category of infinite ordinals $\mathcal{O}$, if such a thing exists, and then defining an $\infty$-simplicial set as $X^{\infty}: \mathcal{O} \rightarrow \text{Set*}$, where $\text{Set*}$ is the appropriate adjustment of the category of small sets $\text{Set}$ such that mapping from objects in the category of infinite ordinals will still satisfy contravariance.
Assuming such a generalization exists, how does this affect the geometric definition of an $(\infty,1)$-category? Is there no longer a capturing of the geometric model desired from simplicial sets or can something more general than an $(\infty,1)$-category be defined? It would also be interesting to see how this would change $(\infty,1)$-functors between simplicial to sets to some other type of functor between $X^{\infty}$ sets. What would natural transformations look like, if they could still be defined properly?
EDIT: I asked this question to a graduate student who is doing work in $\infty$-categories, and he said that you would not get the same geometric model you want by quasicategories if you allowed infinite ordinals. Does this make sense to anyone? He said, that by taking the geometric realization "you probably wouldn't get anything back", but I don't really know what to make of that.