Regarding the question about the strength of the ultrafilter lemma for distributive lattices, let me cite the relevant theorem from Herrlich's book:<p> **Theorem 4.32.** Equivalent are:<br> <ol> <li>Every lattice has a maximal filter. </li> <li>Every complete lattice has a maximal filter. </li> <li>Every distributive lattice has a maximal filter. </li> <li>Every closed lattice has a maximal filter. </li> <li>AC. </li> </ol> <p> In this theorem a <i>closed lattice</i> is a lattice that is isomorphic to the lattice of closed subsets of a nonempty topological space (Definition 4.28). <p> Herrlich, Horst<br> [Axiom of choice][1] <br> Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1876.<br> Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.<p> Herrlich credits the equivalence of Item 3 and Item 5 to<p> G. Klimowsky. <br> [El Theorema de Zorn y la existencia de filtros e ideales maximales en los reticulados distributivos.][2] <br> Rev. Union Mat. Argentina, 18:160-164, 1958.<p> Where Herrlich writes in terms of AC and in terms of the existence of a maximal filter, Klimowsky writes that Zorn's Lemma is equivalent to <i>En todo reticulado distributivo con primer elemento, todo filtro está contenido en un ultrafiltro.</i> [1]: [2]: