Here is an answer for the Cantor space $C$, the set of functions from $\omega$ to $2$. The plan is to show that for each null set $X \subseteq C$ there is a measure $0$ set $C_{a} \subseteq X$ such that $C_{a}$ is homeomorphic with $C$, and for any translate $X'$ of $X$, $X' \cap C_{a}$ is a null set in the measure induced by this homeomorphism. I haven't thought about whether this example can be converted into one for the real reals. Basic open sets in the Cantor space are represented by functions $\sigma \colon n \to 2$, for some $n \in \omega$, where $[\sigma]$ denotes the set of $f \in C$ such that $\sigma \subseteq f$. For each such $\sigma$, the measure of $[\sigma]$, $\mu([\sigma])$, is $2^{-n}$. Given a set $a \subseteq \omega$, let $C_{a}$ be the set of $f \in C$ such that $f(n) = 0$ for each $n \in a$. If $a$ is infinite, $\mu(C_{a}) = 0$. Each $C_{a}$ is naturally homeomorphic to $C$, via the deleting the coordinates in $a$. This homeomorphism induces the measure $\mu_{a}$ on $C_{a}$, where, for $\sigma$ as above, $\mu_{a}([\sigma] \cap C_{a})$ is $2^{|n \cap a|}\mu([\sigma])$ (which is $2^{-|n \setminus a|}$) if $\sigma(m) = 0$ for all $m \in a \cap n$, and $0$ otherwise. Given a null set $X$, we may fix for each rational $r \in (0,1)$ a sequence $\langle \sigma^{r}_{i} : i \in \omega \rangle$ such that (1) each $\sigma^{r}_{i}$ is a function from some $s^{r}_{i} \in \omega$ to $2$ (2) $X \subseteq \bigcup_{i \in \omega} [\sigma^{r}_{i}]$ and (3) $\sum\{ 2^{-s^{r}_{i}} : i \in \omega\} < r$. For any $a \subseteq \omega$, and any translate $X'$ of $X$, $\mu_{a}(X' \cap C_{a})$ is at most $$\sum\{ 2^{-|s^{r}_{i} \setminus a|} : i \in \omega \}.$$ It suffices then to find an infinite $a \subseteq \omega$ and a sequence $\langle r_{k} : k \in \omega \rangle$ of rationals from $(0,1)$ such that the sequence of values $$\sum\{ 2^{-|s^{r_{k}}_{i} \setminus a|} : i \in \omega \}$$ goes to $0$. Given a sequence $\bar{r} = \langle r_{k} : k \in \omega \rangle$ of rationals in $(0,1)$, let $a_{\bar{r}} \subseteq \omega$ (enumerated in increasing order as $\langle a_{j} : j \in \omega \rangle$) be such that for each $j\in \omega$, and each $k \leq j$, $$\sum\{ 2^{-s^{r_{k}}_{i}} : i \in \omega \setminus a_{j}\} < r_{k}/2^{2j}.$$ Then for each $k \in \omega$, $\sum\{ 2^{-|s^{r_{k}}_{i} \setminus a|} : i \in \omega \}$ is at most $$(2^{k}r_{k}) + \sum\{ (2^{j+1}r_{k})/2^{2j} : k \leq j < \omega\}$$ which is at most $2^{k+2}r_{k}$ (if I've done the math correctly; the first term comes from considering the terms for $i < a_{k}$, the rest for $i \geq a_{k}$). Then if we choose the $r_{k}$'s so that $2^{k+2}r_{k}$ goes to $0$, $C_{a_{\bar{r}}}$ is the desired null set.