The answer by Piotr Migdal can be modified to give the accurate inequality $$r([A,B])\le4r(A)r(B),\qquad\forall A,B\in{\bf M}_n(\mathbb C).$$ The only new argument is that for every matrix $M$, there exists an angle $\theta$ such that $r(M)=\|{\rm Re}(e^{-i\theta}M)\|_2.$
Actually, we do have $$r(M)=\sup_\alpha\|{\rm Re}(e^{-i\alpha}M)\|_2.$$ Hereabove, the real part is defined as ${\rm Re} N=\frac12(N+\bar N^T)$. Notice that I employ the notation $\|\cdot\|$ (operator norm) which coincides with $\sigma_1$.
Let us apply this to $M=[A,B]$. With $\theta$ as above, let us decompose $e^{-i\theta}A=A_{\theta h}+iA_{\theta a}$. Then let us proceed as Piotr did: $$r([A,B])=\|{\rm Re}[e^{-i\theta}A,B]\| = \|[A_{\theta h},B_h]-[A_{\theta a},B_a]\|\le2(\|A_{\theta h}\|\cdot\|B_h\|+\|A_{\theta a}\|\cdot\|B_a\|),$$ which gives $$r([A,B])\le4r(e^{-i\theta}A)r(B).$$ Hence the result.