In other words, if $A$ is the infinitesimal generator of $T$, the mild solution of the abstract inhomogeneous Cauchy problem 
$$\begin{cases}\dot v =A v +f\\v(0)=0\end{cases}$$
needs not to be $W^{1,1}_{loc}(\mathbb{R}, X)$. 
For instance    an  $f\in C^0(0,\tau;X)$   of the form $f(t):=T(t)x$ for some $x=x(\theta)\in X$, gives   $v(t)=tT(t)x$ which has no reason to be in $W^{1,1}_{loc}(\mathbb{R}, X)$.

To justify the preceding claim it is sufficient to show that $u(t):=T(t)x$, the mild solution to the homogeneous Cauchy problem with $u(0)=x$,  may fail to be  $W^{1,1}$ (even at any point). Consider e.g.  

- $X:=L^1(\mathbb{S}^1)$, $1$-periodic one variable $L^1_{loc}$ functions;

- $T :\mathbb{R}\times X\to X$ the left translation semigroup $T(t)x:=x(\cdot+t)$, whose infinitesimal generator is $A:=\partial_\theta$, with domain $D(A)=W^{1,1}(\mathbb{S}^1)$;


Then, for $x\in X$,  $u(t):=T(t)x=x(\cdot+t)$ is, of course, the mild solution to 
$\dot u(t)=\partial_\theta u(t)$ with initial data $u(0)=x$, and defines a continuous path $u:\mathbb{R}\ni t \mapsto x(\cdot+t)\in X$. Saying, for some open interval $I$, that $u\in W^{1,1}(I;X)$ means there is $h\in L^1(I;X)\sim L^1(I\times \mathbb{S}^1)$ such that $u(t')-u(t)=\int_t^{t'} h(s,\cdot)ds$ in $X$, that is  $x(\theta+t')-x(\theta+t)=\int_t^{t'} h(s,\theta)ds$ a.e., whence $x\in W^{1,1}(\mathbb{S}^1)$.