The chapter entitled "Topological Methods" by R.T. Živaljević, in the <em>[Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry][1]</em>, CRC Press, Chapter 14, 2004, is a good source. I believe ham-sandwich cuts play a role in regression depth computations, e.g., in the 2000 paper by Marshall Bern and David Eppstein, "[Multivariate Regression Depth][2]." Since you consider the center-point theorem and the center-traversal theorem as applications of the ham-sandwich theorem, this leads to a different proof of the Lipton-Tarjan small-separator theorem for planar graphs, a connection established by Miller, Teng, Thurston, and Vavasis in "[Separators for sphere-packings and nearest neighbor graphs][3]," _Journal of the ACM_, 1997. [1]: [2]: [3]: