One approach to a homeomorphism classification of a closed manifolds simply homotopy equivalent to a closed manifold $X$ of dimension $>4$ is to compute the topological structure set $\mathcal S^s_\text{TOP}(X)$ and the group of homotopy classes of simple homotopy equivalence $\text{Aut}_s(X)$. Then $\text{Aut}_s(X)$ acts on $\mathcal S^s_\text{TOP}(X)$ be composition and the quotient is the desired set of homeomorphism classes closed manifolds simply homotopy equivalent to $X$.

For $X=\mathbb RP^n$ the topological structure set is <a href="">known</a>, and the structure set always has at least 4 elements, and it is finite unless $n-3$ is divisible by $4$.
The group $\text{Aut}_s(\mathbb RP^n)$ is trivial if $n$ is even and has order $2$ if $n$ is odd. See <a href=""> Corollary 6</a> in "Coverings of fibrations" by Becker and Gottlieb.

Thus there are lots of fake even-dimensional real projective spaces in  dimensions $>4$. 

By Freedman's work this can be extended to dimension $4$, see  <a href=""> Invariant knots of free involutions on $S^4$</a> by Ruberman for examples of fake $\mathbb RP^4$.