I recently investigated $\textrm{Discriminant}_u(\omega P(u) +(z-u)P'(u))$, where $P(u) := u^3 + au + b$ and $\omega$ is a real parameter (with $\omega\in(0,1)\cup(1,3)$) associated with the order of a fractional derivative. In doing so, I came across the following expression (plus some additional terms) that looks quite striking, but I haven't been able to place it: $$\frac{3a(b-z^3)}{(\omega-1)\,\lambda} + \frac{z}{\lambda^3}\left(a^2\lambda\left(1-\frac{1}{(\omega-1)^2}\right)-3bz\right)$$ Here $\lambda:= \sqrt[3]{\omega-3}.$ I'm wondering if anyone has seen this expression (or something sufficiently similar) in some other context. Due to a natural change of variables used to arrive at the above expression, the expression should possibly be thought of as the “image” of the polynomial $$\widetilde{P}(u) := u^3 + \frac{a}{(\omega-1)\sqrt[3]{\omega-3}}u + \frac{b}{\omega(\omega-3)}$$ under some discriminant-like “function”. Does the expression above look familiar, or is it perhaps some determinant involving the coefficients in $\widetilde{P}(u)$, and $z$? Alternatively, do you see some way of attacking $\textrm{Discriminant}_u(\omega P(u) +(z-u)P'(u))$ directly?