Add a primitive a one place function symbol $c$ to represent "True cardinality" of a set, to the first order language of set theory.

Add the following schema:

If $\phi(x,y)$ is a formula in which $x,y$ occur free, and only occur free, then all closures of: 

$\forall X,Y: \\\forall x \in X \exists! y \in Y (\phi(x,y)) \land  \\\forall y \in Y \exists! x \in X (\phi(x,y)) \\ \to c(X)=c(Y)$ 

are axioms.

Add the following $\omega$-rule of inference:

if $\psi(X); \varphi(Y)$, are formulas in which $X,Y$ occur free and only free respectively, then:

From: $\big{[}$if $\phi(x,y)$ is a formula in which $x,y$ occur free, and only occur free, then all closures of the following formula are true:

 $\forall X,Y (\psi(X) \land \varphi(Y) \to \\\neg [\forall x \in X \exists! y \in Y (\phi(x,y)) \land  \\\forall y \in Y \exists! x \in X (\phi(x,y))]) \big{]}$

______________________we Infer 

All closures of $\forall X,Y (\psi(X) \land \varphi(Y) \to c(X)\neq c(Y) )$ are true.

Now if a set theory T extended with the above, proves that:

$\exists X,Y: |X|\neq|Y| \land c(X)=c(Y)$

Then its guilty of committing cardinaity error of the first kind.

If it proves that:

$\exists X,Y: |X| = |Y| \land c(X) \neq c(Y)$

Then its guilty of committing cardinality error of the second kind.

Now NFU is an example of a set theory that commit cardinality error of the first kind, but this cannot occur in ZFC.

> Can ZFC commit cardinality error of the second kind?