**Answer to Q1:** Let $(X\ d)$ be a metric space. I call $A\subseteq X$ $\epsilon$-dispersed $\quad\Leftarrow:\Rightarrow\quad\forall_{x\ y\in X}\left(\left(x\ne y\right)\Rightarrow d(x\ y)\ge \epsilon\right)$. Let $A_\epsilon$ be a maximal $\epsilon$-dispersed set in $(X\ d)$ for every $\epsilon > 0$ (apply Kuratowski-Zorn theorem). Then $\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty\ A_{\frac 1n}$ is dense in $(X\ d)$. (The rest is obvious). **Answer to Q2:** (I don't see any use for $\omega_1$--am I wrong?) I call a topological space *singular* $\quad\Leftarrow:\Rightarrow\quad$ it has exactly one limit point (i.e. non-isolated). **THEOREM** The topological product of an arbitrary Lindelöf space by an arbitrary singular Lindelöf space is Lindelöf. **PROOF** In arbitrary singular Lindelöf space the complement of any open set, which contains the limit point, is countable. The rest is obvious.